Sunday, February 7, 2010

Number 14

Well number 14 is in the books and with my leg I never thought I would see the threes in a marathon again. Today proved to be that day. I don't get keyed up for a marathon or stress out. I walked to the start with 8 minutes to spare and timed it perfectly. Bill of course was snapping pics along the street. I felt pretty good today. I haven't really trained for a marathon per se in over 12 years when all I would do was run, run, run track, long long runs etc. Last week was a HUGE volume week and at the beginning of this week I was wasted but cut a few training sessions shorter and took Saturday off (GASP) to run. Plus with my bum leg I really thrive on just running 3 times a week.

I lined up with the 4 hr pacers and then they were starting to slow so I pulled ahead. I stopped twice to potty and both times the 4 hr pacers would be coming by so I knew I wasn't losing much time. At mile 21 (where I usually fall apart) I actually picked up my pace and just ran to the finish. No where along the way did I feel bad. Yay. So the first race of the 2010 season is done and I can tell this year is looking to be good!

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