Monday, May 23, 2011

Flying under the radar

Well the past two weeks have flown by and I have not had a chance to speak! The first week was a build into my "training camp" week. Well, more like getting the work done so a HUGE training week could be possible! Training camp started of course with the Tour of California across the street from our house. All of the streets were closed and the cars started streaming in @ 7am. It was a super way to kick off my four days of fun especially with yelling and screaming and ringing the cow bell!My swimmer girls kept me in check swimming and big props to Suzy for "camping" with me. Saturday was the Epic "Ironman Simulation Day" with calls to Bill interspersed all day to check on IM Texas stats! (even half tempted to sign up last night)
All I can say is the hay is in the barn- A few easy days here and then time to kick it up again. Have a great week everyone and here is to a great end of May!

1 comment:

  1. Big training weeks rule. I am so jealous you got to spectate at the ATOC -- I hope you took lots of pictures. When the Tour of Utah came through our town I was lucky enough to get a pic of Bob Roll with my son.
